Area tematica: Politiche europee
Anno: 2010
Tipo di pubblicazione: Materiali Ires ER
Autori: Steve Jefferys; Nick Clark; Sylvie Contrepois; Gill Dix; Fiona Neathey; Pires Lima Marinus; Volker Telljohann; Joanna Unterschutz
Indirizzo: London Istituzione: ACAS
Tipo di pubblicazione: Materiali Ires
In a period when alternative dispute resolution processes are becoming more common in Europe (Purcell 2010), researchers from France, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the UK1 initiated a study that involved social partners, public authorities, lawyers and industrial relations experts exchanging information about the development of conciliation, arbitration and mediation services2 in Europe. The project was funded by the Social Dialogue section of DG Employment of the EU Commission. Its aim was to improve knowledge of industrial relations developments among the social partners against the background of changing national trends in individual and collective conflicts at work. The CAMS project hoped to increase European understanding of the processes for resolving employment relations disputes involving third parties.
Testo completo: CAMS_Final_report.pdf